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About Us

On a dark and bitterly cold night, the lights of the London Eye continuously gleam as though they were a pearl necklace around the city. While gazing at the horizon, hidden behind London’s skyscrapers, the sun gradually rose to illuminate and give life to the structure, with the silhouettes of dozens of cubic windows now appearing in the distant buildings. The slow yet steady glow lit gentle ripples on the River Thames, adding life to its crisp and tranquil appearance. The soft hum of cars coasting over Westminster Bridge resembled a swarm of bees and drummed out all excess sounds and thoughts.

I found myself staring for longer than I had intended, in order to catch the moment when, on a grand scale, the river became almost a perfect mirror to the sky. The setting, bustling during the day but almost deserted at night, soon to come to life again. Within only a few hours the landmarks would soon catch the public’s attention and fascinate them, drawing them in. These buildings, that were once considered an architectural feat of achievement, now host busy employees running around like ants, in order to feed their families.

Many thoughts drifted in and out without ever anchoring in my mind to allow for a deeper analysis, until an often familiar one slowly drifted in on the tide of my thoughts. It was the realisation that I’d become weighed down, as if entangled in that same anchor, by the relentless reminders of negativity and impractical information broadcasted by regular news outlets. Pages and pages on Instagram talked of amazing achievements attained by individuals, but without ever depicting the struggles endured and the cost paid. For the average person, exposure to these frequent achievements breeds an unrealistic expectation that they too can be fortunate. This can lead them to seek overnight success, in what is the longest marathon of all – life.

Wherever I looked, I could not find a corner of the internet that accommodated a fusion of urban culture with relevant topics, and there was a scarcity of content of what was relevant to me, and content appreciated by all audiences. I felt that in today’s society we are overloaded with memes across all social media platforms, which only capture our attention for just a moment, before we instantly yearn for more to pique our interest.

I wanted to give stories their own spotlight and home on the Internet to offset the millions of memes that would otherwise perhaps be lost in the algorithm of social media apps, which determine our interests and perspective on current topics. I felt that these steal the limelight from history and our voyage on the path of a real story.

Thus the journey began…..

While the city slept, I set myself the challenge of bringing my idea to life. Due to years of complacency, putting other goals first and family commitments, this had been set aside. Now, through patience and continued desire, I have finally fulfilled my goal to create the website I always aspired to. My objective is to cover stories and raise awareness of issues that may not necessarily be reported by major news outlets, but which are just as valid.

As well as this, I aim to bring readers stories that will guide and inspire belief in people, so that they don’t have to fear failure, but instead relish the opportunity to prove they are able to overcome any obstacles.

We’ve all made many mistakes in the past and will continue to make many more, but we must still have faith, not only in ourselves, but in each other.


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